Our Simulation Center
Our cutting-edge patient simulation center is designed to emulate the conditions health care professionals encounter in real settings. Each room contains a modern array of equipment utilized in different clinical scenarios. Healthcare professionals can practice and refine their skills with a diverse patient population without putting real patients at risk. Simulation sessions conducted in our units provide opportunities to practice caring for a wide range of patients at various stages of life and wellness. Students get plenty of hands on time with it all, so that in their clinical rotations they're familiar with the equipment often seen in local area healthcare settings.
Progressive Care Unit
A nine (9) bay patient care center where students, faculty, and providers conduct medical procedures ranging in basic to advanced care scenarios.
• Remote call bell systems communicate a patients need for assistance.
• A nursing station with matrix is utilized to manage multiple patient bays.
• Two control rooms enable multiple patient interactions taking place simultaneously.
• Debriefing room where participants review their performance, discuss, and learn.
• A conference table with a patient or task trainer stored inside.
Acute Care Unit
Comprised of four (4) beds used to deliver advanced learning opportunities to health care professions in an acute care setting. Students are expected to handle multiple patients at once in this setting.
Trauma/ER/Flex Unit
Designed to accommodate a variety of scenarios, our flex space sports traditional hospital beds and clinical style exam tables. This unit can function as a provider office, procedural room, outpatient procedure room, emergency room, or trauma room.
Home Care Unit
Where students practice working with discharged patients in their home environment. Patients receive continued care by visiting nurses and/or home health aids. Patient practice involves confirming patient is doing well adjusting to lifestyle at home, following suggested procedures and/or medications, and educating the patient on best practices for continued healthy outcomes.
Nursing Resource Center
Three (3) rooms comprised of twelve (12) beds used to deliver introductory learning opportunity for nursing students. Communication and repetitive practice skills are performed in this area.
Urgent Care Unit
Designed to provide students the opportunity to manage and prioritize patient care delivery. Multiple patients are interactive with students at once and rotate in and out of this unit during patient care experiences.
Mass Mutual Surgical Suite
A realistic surgical suite equipped with state of the art equipment found in today’s operating rooms. Here students in the Surgical Technology program receive in-depth practical knowledge and substantive clinical education related to the operating room. Students handle the instruments, supplies, and equipment necessary during the surgical procedure, gain understanding and the ability to anticipate the needs of the surgeon.
Students in the EMT program practice skills utilizing various equipment, from real to simulated. This room is used to practice all emergency medical concepts and techniques currently considered to be within the responsibilities of the EMT-Basic. Providing emergency care in a pre-hospital setting as set forth by the Office of Emergency Medical Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Family Life & Pediatrics
Consisting of two separate rooms.
In one, true to life birthing scenarios can be practiced as well as pre-natal and post-natal care.
In the other, a bed and infant warming crib enable the practice of proper post birth and pediatric care.
Berkshire Bank
Critical Care Unit
A two-bed unit comprised of state of the art equipment used in today’s intensive care and critical care units. Students learn and practice the treatment, management, diagnosis and care of patients with cardiopulmonary dysfunction.
Training here includes the use of therapeutic gases, ventilator support, breathing exercises, aerosol administration, medications, humidification and maintenance of airways.
Our mobile simulation unit is quite literally an ambulance. Comprised of all the equipment found in today's mobile treatment vehicles. Used in conjunction with the EMT program, students can practice delivering care while moving as well as the proper loading and unloading of patients and location of equipment.
The MobileSim is also a great way for us to bring simulated patient education to our local communities and is often used for outreach programs and guided tours.
Assisted Care Unit
Comprised of multiple rooms this unit gives Occupational Therapy Assistant students opportunities to care for patients in an assortment of situations and daily living activities.
For example, you may help an individual who has had a stroke re-learn to dress him/herself, or may help a child with cerebral palsy learn to operate a computer with adapted equipment.
Physical Therapy
Containing a variety of exercise equipment, tables, chairs, and beds where our Physical Therapy Assistant students perform movement-related activities and therapeutic techniques for patients with burns, amputations, spinal cord injuries and cardiac, neurologic and orthopedic injuries.
Debriefing Rooms
The debriefing rooms at our simulation center create safe environments for students to review and evaluate their actions while focusing on clinical best practices. These experiences can also be shared through our local network to a variety of classrooms throughout SIMS Medical Center. This easy access to shared information allows students and instructors to evaluate methodologies, improve patient outcomes, and stimulate team cooperation.